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Another cool website I found

Posted by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Forum: Reclaiming the Internet Group

I found this website called My 2000s TV (which basically shows recorded videos from TV from the 2000s). Here is the link to that site (that site also has other links to similar websites of footage from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s to the side):


As a side note, I also love how skeuomorphic that TV and remote to the side look.

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6 Replies

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Reply by Anarion998


Ha it's really fire. I think somwhere in my parents parents house must still be a TV like this.
You can also check out this site https://radiooooo.com, it’s certainly not quite the same, but here’s you can look for music through the years.

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Reply by Sofia Florina


Appreciate a lot for whoever made that website

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Reply by blawh


this really bring back some memories 

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Reply by SusurriInUmbris


That was actually pretty good. I had a TV just like that one.

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Reply by Ray


Reply by Virtual Insanity


TV lost me as a customer long long ago, but admittedly this is pretty cool.  Better times, now TV watches YOU!

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