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opinions on bethesda.

Posted by bandyploy


Forum: Games

don't think i've ever seen 4 people agree on bethesda, opinions vary so much on this company it's insane. i only played a handful of their games, fallout 3, new vegas and skyrim. but i really liked them all... they are supposed to be their best afterall. also played starfield on a friend's ps5 recently, it was extremely linear which i didn't like and the gunplay was garbage at times. what's YOUR opinion on bethesda?

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Reply by Rosamund


i love a lot of bethesdas past games like what youve listed! real quality stories and gameplay, but nowadays they come across as a shell of their former self. starfields a good show of how out of touch they are with what their fans actually want, it makes me pretty sad. im back to replaying oblivion and skyrim if i want the bethesda experience. cant even list new vegas on that since it was developed by obsidian, lol, but its using the same engine as fallout 3 so it kind of counts

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Reply by Jordan :P


I've only played Fallout 4 so I can't really speak too much on this, but as far as I'm concerned Bethesda is a shadow of it's former self. Fallout 76 is a complete joke and I haven't heard good things about Starfield. I doubt they'll ever produce any games like they used to before Fallout 4.

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Reply by Underwhirl


Tbh I don’t have a newer console so I haven’t played Starfield, but Fallout 3 and Oblivion are two of my favorite games of all time. But idk if Bethesda will ever whip out another “classic” unless they change leadership. 

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Reply by PavlovsDog


They used be filled with passion and creativity and u could rly tell that the developers put their soul into it. Now the company just feels cash grabby with their half finished games and skyrim remakes that dont actually add anything. I was rly excited for the fishing update to skyrim, only for it to suck. Bethesda are getting carried by the modders.

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Reply by overcomplexification


skyrim was their last "good" attempt at making a good game.

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