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Do you guys like game reviews?

Not reviews from large sites like IGN n stuff cuz those are always awful but independent reviewers.

I've been writing game review blogs but I never thought about whether people actually enjoy reading em. I saw Dunkey talk about how when it's an established single reviewer the reviews actually feel coherent because you are aware of who is writing it and their preferences, so I was wondering if you guys actually like looking at game reviews n stuff

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Reply by Black Market Stray Cat


i guess i like less "reviews" (in the sense of something that's..."structured", for lack of a better term), moreso i just like seeing people casually talk about things they like or stuff that they think is interesting/cool. it depends on the reviewer, i guess, i don't really like when people try to come across as pretentious or like they really, REALLY want me to play this one game because it has the BEST gameplay and the deepest lore and talks about all these deep meaningful themes but isn't like all these other games because it's actually super obscure (which is really funny when it's a video with hundreds of thousands of views) this is about SuperEyepatchWolf and people who like RPGmaker games

Running Shine and Marsh are examples of the style of reviewer i like. it's something i want to try and emulate, but i'm not quite sure how.

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