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most annoying salmonoid?

Posted by Nehiri


Forum: Splatoon Group

Lemme hear y'alls rage, which salmonoid makes you the angriest of all. Personally despise the drizzlers so much, why do they have that much health

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Reply by RosiiWowzii


idk its name but that one boss with the super big green bomb thing that splats everyone within like 80 feet it is SO annoying (i also got to profreshinal +1 within the first week of splat3 dropping so its extra chaotic)

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Reply by ciddie0


100% a tie between the small fry and the tenta missile ones

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Reply by Lynx!


stinger, but flyfish is a fairly close second

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Reply by FL33W4Y


tbh the stinger and flyfish sometimes when im in salmon run i have to get to them both so my team won't die in each rounds or forgets about them. but yeah there pretty annoying 

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Reply by Jammer439y8


The reason Drizzlers have so much health is to encourage players to splat them by shooting their torpedoes back at them. The salmonid I despise most would be Big Shots, because unlike Stingers and Flyfish, their location is not obvious at first, and if multiple are using the same launcher, so help you.

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Reply by nad14_


Flyfish or Stinger


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