Haii i'm a bit embarrassed to post this but i desperately want to start going to more parties and raves and the such but i have like no idea how to find them
I reasoned at least someone on here could give me some tips ^^
Depends onur location. Some places have facebook groups and stuff, some raves posts stickers and stuff in bars. Networking is good if u wanna find the underground stuff.
i would check if any music venues near you have rave nights!! most small-mid size venues host at least a dj night fairly often. if you're near a college town that might also be a good place to look. as a student i've gone to a few basement rave parties, but there is also a venue near me that has frequent rave-like events catered towards non-students
Follow local artists that DJ/perform at raves. Join local rave-culture groups (i.e. i found lots of raves through a local psytrance group on Facebook.) Follow those who go to raves locally on Instagram or wherever they post. A lot of raves, at least the legit ones, will be through word of mouth in these small groups. Also befriend those in the circle (as in, the ones running these things.) Which one of these works best probably depends on your location, but these are a good way to start.