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Can't figure out how to job >:(

Posted by Tov


Forum: Jobs, Work, Careers

Okay very short little post here but any help would be lovely! I'm all here for advice!
So I'm a freshly graduated 18 year old yeah? Well I don't know what I'm doing wrong really. my resume is fine? I think? Places that need unqualified teens just aren't hiring me! I have no clue why but if anyone has advice on how to snatch a job up? Like social norms? What some professional talk translates to? How much should I check in? How do I show them I'm a good fit? I just want to get a job and get that bag! :(

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3 Replies

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Reply by Jordan :P


I can't help too much here since I got my first job without even having to try, just gave them my CV and I got accepted without an interview (red flag!), but you should look into getting help from your local job center. They'll guide you on what you need to do to stand out. I've also heard that physically going to the location and handing in your CV/resume tends to help.

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Reply by liz violet


at this time, i've been sending hundereds of resumes with low responses. on my end, it has to do with not using enough action words (like the words on the job listing), or keeping my big skills off the resume (like using adobe photoshop or knowing Search Engine Optimization). i already made all the info on my resume 1 column, no fancy colors or a second page.

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Reply by Jinnicide


Go to in-person job fairs since most of the 'jobs' listed on the internet are fake/expired and your info will never even find its way to a real person anyways. Ask around friends, relatives, neighbors, schoolmates, etc if they know anyone looking for help.

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