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I want to be able to work with Artemis

what should i do to become closer to her? any sigils, plants, or things like that?

im a very new witch

i haven't even reached 1month as one. (i think i should start small, was i supposed to work with a deity later???)

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Reply by Eune


hey!! i don’t work with any deities i work with my ancestors but i do know about some stuff about deity worship. I would recommend this app called Pythian mystery school, it explains the basics in a lot of stuff and there’s a section about deities. you get i think 6 hours of free stuff about basic stuff you should know about witchcraft/spirituality.

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Reply by Eune


so for starters, you definitely don’t need to work with deities or any type of spirit. if a person does work with one it doesn’t mean that x y z persons practice is more “powerful” than them which i’m just saying as a type of disclaimer. the first thing you should do is definitely do a LOT of research to who or what you want to work with because doing deity work without knowing anything about them is pointless. research is essential to what offerings they’ll want. i don’t really recommend doing deity work especially when you’re just starting out because you can contact spirits that are definitely not in your best interest. It’s pretty late here so just message me if you need help :))

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