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What is the worst genre of music?

Posted by lauri


Forum: Music

Gonna step on some toes here, but I have to say country.

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Reply by OmegaKing6000


I gotta say Riddim it really damaged the Dubstep scene and also trap because its boring

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Reply by Graffiti


i used to say country before i found country music that was actually good (contemporary pop country is definitely still top 3 worst genres) but to me one of the worst genres has GOTTA be whatever jason mraz or colbie caillat is. like person singing with guitar shit that sounds like it belongs in a Hallmark movie. or honestly top worst has to be the flavorless nothingness of royalty free stock music you hear in commercials and youtube childrens content (you know the kind), which is like the hideous sibling of the previous genre to me, i think most wouldnt even count it as a music genre its so bad

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Reply by 2009DubstepWasBestDubstep


Whatever the fuck "tech house" is.

But OmegaKing6000 is right, too!

Oh yeah, and also Brazillian Funk, obviously...

AAAAND Dua Lipa, as well. (sry I had to get that out of my chest real quick)

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black metal? sorry haha ill listen to, like, lifelover but i dont exactly LOVE bm

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Reply by stas


definitely deep house, it almost ruined a few songs for me, (i used to work as part of the waiting staff, idk what's the gender neutral variant of waiter/waitress)

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Reply by bbpoltergiest


pop is so bad and its like everywhere.............

i mean french pop is not that bad but the rest is pure garbage >>to me<<

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