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what's ur fave synth?

Posted by qhost revievv


Forum: Music

vst, hardware, digital, analogue? i rly like Massive i know its super popular and people don't use it nearly as much nowadays but its still my favorite. especially the controversial modern talking wavetable. so fun n cool

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Reply by Alizandar


I don't know if I'd be the person I am today if it wasn't for Steve Duda's Serum. It's crazy expensive for the amateur producer but damn is it worth it. What's your favorite patch/preset btw?

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Reply by qhost revievv


I don't know if my fave is from Massive itself, or some downloaded somewhere off the internet (i have a lot of patches from that lol), but it's called Eastern Dreams. it's a very beautiful dual sound synth that has very atmospheric chords on the lower register keys and long, drawn out, droning plucks on the upper register. i love it so much.

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Reply by Alizandar


You should post a screenshot of it if you have the time, maybe I can try recreating it in Serum

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Reply by Lean


cakewalk's z3ta+2...

every component in that synth is at least getting into a track.

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Reply by B w u l f


Harmor and Harmless in FL Studio are my main go-to’s for making synthwave. Love the brass. 🤘

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