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do yall believe in auras? can you see them?

basically i can see a colorful light around people, not always tho. I told a friend abt it when we were discusing this type of stuff and she told me it might be auras. idk tho. can somebody from here see them too?

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9 Replies

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Reply by PurpleCatCult


oh thats pretty cool and maybe yeah, i dont know much about auras or anything. maybe i should do some research 

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Reply by goregirl


auras r defo something that exist.. at least to me.. its like a radiation of colour emitting frm some1 usually pretty fuzzy..

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yesyes like prev comments mentioned, it's hard to see w the naked eye/untrained but they're deff a thing !! auras r so cool ! i think feel em rather than see em ?? in my experience it's kinda like when u get a gut feeling abt someone whether good, bad, or neutral, but like, stronger than the initial pang of like "oh this person lets on more than they know" ykwim ??? everyone has different ways of telling tho, so i never really know for sure bahahahha - coming frm growing up in a v spiritual family !

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Reply by blawh


i think it's a mental thing like you can see it yeah but it's coming from your mind like if you saw someone walking and he's so cool your mind will transleate that image to you as an aura 

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Reply by Https._.Jeffrey


YESYESYES, when I was a kid I saw em' and I asked to my mom ''Mom, why do I see colors around people? and I can even feel it'', very innocent me, she explained me that was their auras

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Reply by Jubs


I do believe in auras, just never saw one while awake. Some time ago, I had a dream where I was talking with a friend, and she was warning me about some people in my life, saying they had "dark auras" or something like that. I remember telling her that she had a pinkish aura, she smiled and then I woke up.

The next day, I told her about that dream and asked what an aura was lol.

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Reply by Mara


I can say that I have seen the auras and I can say that everyone has their own color because of their personality

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Reply by COm!cO


Is an aura like those colorful things that surrounds a person??? I dont really know but i remember staring  at someone and i saw this colorful thing around them. That might just be a thing in my eye but idk

edit - it was like blue and yellow =0

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Reply by STINK💗


its more like a feeling and like a rlly good visualization of how it would look

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