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What's your coming out story?

Long story short, I was 20 and was talking to a girl and I couldn't hide the fact that I was into women anymore. Most of my close family accepted it, but my mom told me I was going to hell, and even though my dad didn't support it, he still told me how much he loves me. <3

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Reply by Sav


A similar story basically. I told my mom when I was around my pre teen years. We were watching a movie and a lesbian scene came on and she kept saying homophobic things and I asked her what was wrong with their relationship and she replies, "they're going to hell, god made man and woman not man and man or woman and woman". I simpy replied telling her I was bisexual and she told me that I was going to hell and that she would kick any of her kids out if they ever turned out gay... Then a few years down the line she forgot and one day she ambushed me because one of my nieces came out as bi also (I didn't influence her decision in any way; she didn't know my sexuality at the time.) My brother and his gf were sleeping, it was about 7-8 in the morning. I woke up to an argument with my mother, she was whispering/yelling at me and she tried to hit me (still was a young teen.. maybe like 16)... she was whisper yelling so my brother's gf wouldn't hear our convo about me being bisexual; she's embarrassed about my sexuality & well my pops doesn't know yet so yea. 

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Reply by Desytalkz


My sister found my journal and I was talking about a girl I had a crush on and my mom confronted me and I thought she was talking about me smoking weed, but it turned out she was pulling me out of the closet. lol I was relieved when it was the gay thing and not the weed at the time because I was 16. And she was excepting of it. 

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Reply by Alice


The religious parents and journal are all relatable. I threw the
journal away long ago because it was embarrassing and made me feel vulnerable. But as for the
parents well...I knew better than tell my dad ever.

I didn't understand
what my feelings really were until after high school. Then it was like
"how long can I keep this a secret?" then it became a "how do I tell mom?" question.

Years later, as predicted, she didn't take it well. Not the "going to hell" type
of reaction, she was more the denying type.

  • "Are you sure you don't
    just like boys?" even though I never brought a boy home even once (as
    more than a friend)
  • "People will look down on you and discriminate"
  • "Life will be hard for you and I just want to protect you"
  • "What about what I want? I want grandkids!"

I got in contact with my sister after
years of (painfully) being separated. I came out to her over the phone
and she was happy for me. Then she said she has a girlfriend lol. So
we're queer sisters.

About 2 years after my sister, mom called on my birthday to accept me.

So it was kind of a long, drawn-out coming out!

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