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what's your favorite FPS game??

Posted by N1TR0


Forum: Games

As an FPS gamer from YEARS,Ā I would like to know:

what's your favorite FPS and why?

how did you discover it?

how many hours of playing do you have on it?

Mine is Overwatch, cuz it has a place in my heart and brings me back so many good memories

I discovered it in December 2020, when it was free for ps plus users for the Christmas vacations and I fell in love with it since the first days. After the Christmas vacations I discovered that I couldn't play anymore cuz it was just a trial, and I couldn't even buy it because for some reason the standard version wasn't available on the Playstation store, so the only way to get Overwatch was to buy the legendary edition for like 70 bucks, which was definitely too much for me so I had to wait till September when they sold it for only 15 euros and I finally managed to get it

I now have at least 600 hours on Overwatch I think :)))

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Reply by visceralovešŸ•·


Overwatch for sure, cause I don't really play any other FPS games lol. Also the visuals and characters pulled me in.

It was 2018, I had just gotten a ps4 and was looking for new games in a gamestop. I had heard of OW before and thought it'd be fun to give it a try.

smh I've got scrub hours. 473.

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Reply by N1TR0


Reply by kenja


titanfall 2! god this game needs a sequel. movement shooters are fantastic, though i could never really get into apex.

a bit outside of the mainstream, but i like Voidborn (pc only). it's quite barebones atm, being in early access and all, though in essence it's a cousin of ULTRAKILL, another fantastic game, throwback to the doom 64/quake days with its visuals.
the defining aspect of Voidborn is that you play in runs, it's a roguelike, so you kill enemies, get currency, die, upgrade, go again.

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Reply by N1TR0



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Reply by N1TR0


woah man, you got some good tastes!!!

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Reply by Sian Cherry


Gotta be Postal 2 for me

I know its not the best graphics wise but its fun lol

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Reply by N1TR0


never heard of it :')

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Reply by Jordan :P


Probably Overwatch. Started playing it back in March 2017 I think. I have to say I miss a lot of things about that game. The "sequel" has been an overall downgrade but I still play it the most compared to anything else. Paladins has been in the mud for years. Apex is hit or miss since some seasons are just boring and there can be a lot of downtown between fights. I don't really enjoy FPS games outside of "Hero Shooters".

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Reply by N1TR0


yeah bro same, you should try "the finals", it's a new FPS game with abilities i think you'd like it

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Reply by gamer47


black ops 1 and tf2

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Reply by lusiano proo 2011


Doom (1993)

I discovered it when I was 13 through YouTube videos, since then iĀ spent hours playing vanilla doom or with mods like brutal doom, death foretold, project brutality and more. To this day i still play it, although not with the same frequency as before.

To me the game still looks good, I like that mix of 3D environment with elements like items or enemies as 2D sprites. I also love the soundtrack, that's where my taste for metal music was born, especially thrash.

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