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Band reccomendation: TWRP

TWRP* is a Canadian Electronic Rock band that performs in costume. They've been around since 2007, but they really started to rock recently. I don't listen to many bands that were formed after Y2K, but these guys are by far my favourite. Right now they have something like 10 albums/EP's and a few singles, and not a single bad song. I'm not a shill or anything, I just think they're really awesome! Bright Blue Sky is a quintessential song of theirs, give it a listen, tell me what you think! And if you like it you should listen to everything else! This is my favourite song of theirs. Tell me what you think of this band, and Rock on!

(*They used to be called "Tupperware remix party," but I think they got a cease & desist from Tupperware. So officially their name is pronounced "Twerp." I think Tupperware remix party is a great name, so they're still that name unofficially, to me atleast.)

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