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Tokio Hotel Fans

Posted by ~ pheobe ~


Forum: Music

Can some fans of Tokio Hotel pls friend me!!

And maybe you can msg me! We can talk abt tokio hotel :)


If any Tokio Hotel fans DO find this, who is your fav band member? 

AND whats your fav song of Tokio Hotel? (:

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21 Replies

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Reply by AceStar



My fave band member is a hard choice but is probably Bill and my fave song is probably Attention (from the humanoid album, but I think Here comes the night (2001 album) comes in a close second! :)

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Reply by Kane! (tokio hotel enjoyer)


Hay! My fav member is probably Tom because i love his style sm LOL. I think my favorite song would be rlly any Humanoid song or unendlichkeit!

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Reply by isabel


Tom is soo handsomeee

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Reply by isabel


Tom is soo handsomeee

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Reply by man_k3n}


o meu favorito e o Georg eu acho ele tao engraçado e o jeito q ele passava a mão no cabelo era muito fofo....minha musica favorita e gegen meinen willen

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Reply by J4V13R4!


AMO A GUSTAV y mi cancion fqavorita creo que es schrei o ready set go, tambien me encanta down on you, pero no esta en spotify ¿alguien sabe pq?

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Reply by inga


bill girly here !! my fave song rn is prob hilf mir fliegen ✮

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Reply by ᴇ ꜱ ᴛ ʜ ᴇ ʀ


my favorite member is bill!!

it's so hard too choose a favorite song hahahaa :'(

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Reply by eli:p


hey!! my fav member is bill 4sure :p and my favorite songs are probably phantomrider & unendlichkeit!!!

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Reply by ★l i n a★


My fav band member is Tom but every member has a place in my heart ofc, and my fav song I think it might be Pain of love 

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My favorite member is tom but everyone has a place in my heart and my favorite song I think is Pain of Love (Humanoid City Live) <33

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Reply by Eeduska <3


I looooove all of them put faves Tom and Gustav:D my fav songs r on the edge and reden!!!

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Reply by cl0seshut✩丰


probably Bill, i really like lass uns laufen

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Reply by ~ pheobe ~


thx everyone for replying! love all ur fav songs. :D

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Reply by andrea


heyyy I'm a pretty big fan my fav member is definitely Georg!! favourite song is probably ubers ende der welt 

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Reply by iryyxemuzza


Hiiiii XDDD! My fav member is Bill or Georg, because people tell me I look like them.

My fav album is Scream and my fav songs are Final Day, Ich bin nicht ich and Hilf mir fliegen XDDD

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Reply by Evzxx


HII my fave album is def schrei 2006 and fave song is unendlichkeit or 1000 meere

and Bill and gustav are my faves

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Reply by n4syy!!


hello!! my favorite participants are, hmm, probably bill and georg.

favorite song .. i think that it is - jung und Nicht Mehr Jugendfrei and reden. XDD

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Reply by B1lL0v3rr


Hallo, mi miembro favorito es Bill y mi canción favorita es Frei im freien Fall, attention, y down on you 

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Reply by Isaa✮


Reply by R0nniE_S1Xx


My favorite member is Georg or Tom, I feel like they are both really cool and my favorite song is definitely 1000 oceans

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