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Request for a "History" category

Can we get a "History" category for forums, groups, blogs, and such?

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Reply by Zecnetovk V.


What do you imply with the "History" feature? Be more explicit, please.

I can only base the "history" feature with bulletins, but to be known as "diary": which are bulletins that already passed the 10 days life limit, get deleted publicly and saved on the "diary" only for you to see, they can't be edited nor be commented. An archive of past bulletins, and you can delete them permanently if wished to.

The Diary feature organize bulletins in the format of months and years so is easier to navigate in the private archive of your bulletin publications. These archived bulletins you can also see the comments, if any, done by other users; as well if the "comments are disabled" was implemented.

Edit #1:
Oh nevermind me, I think I totally understood what you meant, my bad. It was a slight loss of reading comprehension from my part. I do agree there is a need for a "History" category to be added.

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