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How many goths live in your city?

Posted by [CLAY]Greml


Forum: Goth Group

I would like to ask this question, because in my city this genre is completely dead, and there are a maximum of 10 people living in the district

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15 Replies

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Reply by безнадiйна ♱


well i suppose you are russian(?) personally speaking i havent met a lot of russian people who are into such type of music. i knew a guy who was a huge fan of joy division. funny enough he was the one that got me to enjoy post punk in the first place. he didnt label himself goth or anything like that tho... tbh he didnt even have much knowledge about this. i mean he only listened to some popular bands and thats it actually. unfortunately his music taste had changed a lot eventually and now he only listens to hip hop

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Reply by 🗡️ྀི scara / mel


not a lot most of them are fake claiming to be goth when really they just dress alt and listen to lil peep (nothing wrong with that it’s just not goth), but so far i only know myself and my best friend 

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Reply by Kadavera


no one but me, to my knowledge

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Reply by 0x0x0xEmokid0x0x0


Not so many, well except the ones that want to dress alt and don't actually listen to the music 

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Reply by PumpkinPuffle


none that I know of unfortunately 

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I like to believe that there is a lot but most of the alternative people i met just liked the fashion or were emo lol. I've never met another goth in real life

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Reply by 𝔰𝔬𝔭𝔥𝔦𝔞


ummm idk im a teen n dont go outside much but my cities pretty big! theres a few goth freind groups at my high school but i think ive only seen like 2 other like actually outside of schooling :P

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Reply by Selftomia


I know just one. 

No, my city isnt small but here dont like subcultures.
(I live in Russia, Voronezh, on the border with Ukraine)

But anyway here many Alternative ppl, like my bf and our big Group. SSP, 61 and we know every person here. but we don’t communicate with most of them for personal reasons (like ex lovers and who gossip 'bout me, my bf can't handle them

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Reply by Spoon


I live in a big city so theirs many of them but ngl most are posers , if not they are in their in their early 20s to 30s. So I dont hang out with them at all plus most goth events here are like 18+ or 21+.

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Reply by Nico


well we dont have any clubs in my city so I doubt a lot, but its expected snice I live in the south

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Reply by ArmoredAlchemist


Quite a few! The scene was pretty dead for a good decade or so, but in recent years it's come back, especially with the opening of a goth store that also serves as a community center. I went to a goth arts market a few weeks ago and got some nice stuff from local artists :) I don't get out as often as I should, though... But yeah, there's definitely an active goth scene in my area, and other than that brief empty period in the 2010s, there always has been.

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Reply by Jen


theres not really alot of them, i always see a few of them when i go to public places but i don't think there's some in my town

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Reply by zyxlia


none as far as im concerned :P

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Reply by zyxlia


none as far as im concerned :P

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Reply by Elana


I live in a small(ish) town so ive only rly seen about 5-6 people but there are more in towns nearby so its not the worst

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