« SpaceHey Forum

Posting a Bulletin Using HTML (Includes images and embeds) [TUTORIAL]

Posted by DigiGhostπŸ’š


Forum: SpaceHey

To post a bulletin using html code instead of using the new visual editor, simply click the blue <> button on the right side of the editor.

This will grey out all of the visual editor buttons and enable hmtl input.

Then simply paste or enter your html code/embed into the text box.
If you would like to see a preview of your bulletin, click the blue code button again. This will switch back to the visual editor.

Then click post bulletin :)

If you do not see the blue code button, refresh your browser cache for the specific page by hitting:

Windows: ctrl + F5

Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R

Linux: F5

For mobile users,Β  you should see the most current version of the page but if youre willing to clear your mobile cache:

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8 Replies

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Reply by Rainstorm Moonbow


For some reason the <> button makes the textarea read-only on my mobile browser. I’ve cleared all cache and offline website data. I’ve tried both Safari and Firefox (I don’t use Chrome as I’m a security purist). Anybody else still having issues?

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Reply by TRAPS


Reply by Hectropolis


I tried man, i still don't get it...

I'm googled some graphics websites that were used for myspace... guess they don't work or I haven't figured out how to use the codes

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


I still can't get it to work. I'm a newb when it comes to this. I'm trying to post a youtube video. What am I missing?

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for some reason i'm having a lot of trouble with the WYSIWYG editor, i'll write my bulletin and it'll be the way i want it, but then when i publish and look at it there will be random spaces in the middle of my paragraphs, the formatting will be all messed up. i try using html mode but a similar thing happens. i even tested my html in codepen and it was perfect there : ( is anyone else having the same issue?

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Reply by Inside Bilderberg


Thanks, Cool!Β 

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Thank you so much for sharing this coded information. I’ll definitely have to give it a shot, I’m still learning to put in the proper inputs in order to code the right tasks.

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