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8 Replies

Reply by Jinnicide
I cannot get over how good "What If We're Wrong?" is by Chuck Klosterman (I am re-reading it again right now); I feel like it should be required reading for every human being who fancies themself as any type of intellectual.
Reply by DE Navarro
@Jinnicide (Jinnifer) thanks for sharing about that book. I'm going to check it out.
Reply by kelly
The last book I read that really struck me is Conversations with Friends, I'm admittedly a bit late to the game on that one but I enjoyed it a lot. It was a really interesting take on relationships, infidelity and ego - and so incredibly well written.
Reply by blairVVitch
Ok, so I'm totally going to check out What If We're Wrong? and Conversations with Friends! Thanks for those suggestions, y'all! I've went ahead and added them to my Goodreads list.
I've finished several books over my Winter Break, including Godshot by Chelsea Bieker, Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, and Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.
I liked Godshot, but just be forewarned that it's draining. I ran through that book at a marathon pace. I was so absorbed in it that once I finished it, I felt absolutely W I N D E D. It's not for the faint of heart either, for there are various instances of sexual assault along with a sprinkle of incest.
My favorite was Mexican Gothic, but I thoroughly enjoyed Station Eleven too. There's an HBO Max adaptation of Station Eleven, so I might watch that within the next few days.
Reply by nova :3
i read "the final girl support group" and im very in between loving it or just finding it meh. i think it's super interesting some of the time and falls flat the other times. i dont think ive ever felt this inbetween about a book before
Reply by Hunter
I recently read Anne Of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. I read the book because I am a huge fan of the show. The book is very cute and wholesome and I love it very much. I prefer the show for a handful of reasons but I still hold the book close to my heart.
Reply by 🖤NixNix666
Reply by leah
THE SECRET HISTORY!! I’ve never come across something so thrilling and I couldn’t put the book down unless I was going to bed. It’s such a good storyline and I personally couldn’t hate any of the characters. I loved the book and I wish I could read it for the first time a again. Definitely #hotfire