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What are some ways you practice self love?

Posted by VeeMiyagi


Forum: General

We all know how important mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health is, but it's not always easy to know how to treat yourself. 

Share some tips, or life hacks if you will.

One of the big ways I've learned to love myself is to write things down.  I'm very unorganized and have so many ideas and thoughts that go to waste because I've been too lazy to leave myself reminders. 

Also, learning to breathe and see things from other people's perspective, especially when we are at odds.

There's a huge list of things, but maybe we can all come together and help each other out a bit.

also add me if you can.

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1 Reply

Reply by EngiQu33ring


  • I make myself get in bed at a reasonable time
  • I set stuff out the night before so my mornings are smooth
  • I installed a plugin for my browser that blocks the comments sections of
    most websites, and another that restricts how much time I can spend on
    any site with an infinite-scroll feature
  • I started restricting how much time I spend reading news stories/listening to news podcasts
  • I avoid coffee and black tea after around 6pm so I can sleep decently
older I get the more boring my self-care gets, but also I feel better
than I have in a long time and that's worth something I guess.

If you have trouble getting organized, try setting up your day ahead of time. I'm also super unorganized and it helps me to take 10 minutes each night to set clothes in the bathroom, put water and coffee in the coffee pot, leave my work login screen open on the computer, etc. Less energy spent trying to measure coffee out in the dark at 6:30am is more energy I can spend focused on something important.

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