Seriously thinking about making this my main social again? Whos up for getting rid of facebook? Honestly fb js just full of creeps this is so much better xxx
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Will spacehey replace facebook for anyone?
48 Replies

Reply by Forrest Friends
Reply by Cynanne
I am and I'm about to get my friends and family in here as well. I'm so sick of being put in jail for nothing. I don't think they actually look at what is being flagged. Or they lack common sense on what's bullying and what is playing or joking with a friend.
Reply by Princess Babs
Facebook disabled my account so no trouble with that. I am so much happier being here
Reply by The Lurrax
For me, i intend for it to. Im 150% tired of the predatory design of facebook's algorithms. I hated being fed stuff designed to make me mad just because i ended up interacting with it more.
Reply by ♡ 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔫𝔦𝔠 ♡
I want to leave fb as its saturated with ads and as much as i love wasting hours looking at memes, its become a soul absorbing app with little personality.
Reply by Xx_𝓢𝓬𝓮𝓷𝔂𝓪_xX
Well I haven't had a Facebook for years, and I have a SpaceHey now... so I guess it already did! :P
Reply by Ramm
I feel like the problem with this is that social norms have shifted so much over the last decade that being on Facebook became, at least for some millennials and the "elder statesmen" of Generation Z (1997 represent) using Facebook has become almost mandatory. Want to know what's going on in your local area? Looking for local jobs? Politically active? Then, sadly, you have almost no choice.
Reply by Alexandra//♡Alex♡
i use fb for meme shitposting, less a small community of shitposters make a forum group to look constantly at id imagine fb would be hard to replace. *i dont use fb politically or for family/ friends so that shit don effect me.*
Reply by HELLY STILETTO, High Priestess of Coffee and Wine
I have started to wean myself away from Facebook. I just hang out 'in the lobby' right now - check notifications and a couple of groups. Otherwise I am not engaging much there. I'm spending more time here. I've gotten a couple of friends to join here but otherwise not much interest unfortunately. That's fine. I am making new friends here! :) :)
Reply by Ms. LC Webs
Reply by Stephanie
Reply by FedGod
Reply by Jaunty Illusion
Although I do remember MySpace, I don't think I ever had an account there, so I don't know how much I would've loved it. What I can say is that I already have some ideas of how I could use this site. I still have my Facebook right now, but it's honestly pretty boring to me. I used to endlessly scroll through so much, and now I don't even use it longer than half an hour at a time.
Reply by Nostalgia Goddess
Erm, I'm not using SpaceHey as a replacement for FaceBook or any of my Social Media accounts. I only use FaceBook to keep in touch with family and clients, as well as linking it to some iPhone games; I rarely use it for anything else
Reply by Hankuken
I have a facebook account since 2009, Now i use rarely use it, on facebook i use only marketplace, i hate facebook, on facebook i'm in a jail... idk why, Anyway i don't delete it, if i have to make a comparison , 2 days ago i created my spacehey account, since that day i not log in on facebook ahahaha
Reply by Tw1stedPixie
Reply by eddie
Reply by Kitsune Mifune
It depends.
I'm really enjoying Spacehey, but ATM it's a nostalgic novelty which may soon wear off.
Over customisation was problem on the old Myspace, so that should be kept an eye on too.
At the moment I think Spacehey is just a little "too" mid-2000s, which is fine as it's attracting old Myspace users like myself, but eventually there will have to be a few tweaks to bring it a little more up to date.
Right now, I'd be happy with a news feed, as it feels weirdly empty without one.
Reply by kai
Reply by J4YC33
I have to keep Facebook, at least for the time being... unless I want 1200 USD in bricks (I have Oculus headsets).
But having something is different from using it (is different from intentionally confusing it). I'd think this could replace social media if people remember, or experience for the first time even!, what life is like beyond the Feedtm
Reply by Weissdorn
I am afraid that as long as Zuckerberg is willing to make enough concessions to people who has the ability to cut his pursestrings, he will survive.

Reply by John
Reply by Parris
Reply by Melrose
It might for me. I found FB to be very negative in the point of protecting our youth's mental health and very negatively influenced people in a lot of different ways. I'm going to give it a few months and see how this pans out, if this actually does take off on a serious level, count me in for deleting my facebook.
Reply by Kristie
I deleted my Facebook and I don’t miss it. Facebook is nothing but garbage anymore. You can’t even joke around on Facebook,without being put into Facebook jail. All my friends are still on it. They always have excuses on why they can’t delete it,but love to bitch about Facebook 🤦♀️ I don’t have friends on here,but I’m sticking it out. I know eventually,I will meet good people here and build friendships.
Reply by Crematia18
Heavily considering it, if I can convince my friends and family to shift. I think the technical aspects (html, customization) will be a hurdle for my older friends and family though. Thus far, no one has tried it, and my profile has one new friend lol. I like it here though, I missed MySpace!
Reply by R4PT0R
I really like spacehey but it is still missing some stuff, atm i i dont think it could displace FB but i would be so happy if it could!!!! Facebook was fun in its early days when you were able to play games and stuff, the only thing that keep me on FB are the meme and hobby groups (you know, facebook ba inventing fb groups killed the forums of niche hobbies too)
Reply by Erok Beifong 🤘🏾
Reply by SilvaBabyyy
Already doing that, facebook is too sensitive and the bans are becoming ridiculous. Myspace was always better, we just took it for granted so we gotta treat spacehey like it's gold lol
Reply by Mr. Vain
Reply by .keaton.
Currently, it’s my only social media. I either deleted the apps or the accounts altogether (for the ones I couldn’t find a delete account function for).
Reply by Nik 11
I´m tired of Facebook seriously, in this vacations I think that I´m going to left Fb
Reply by 阳初
Im not on FaceBook and never want to .
so many people on Fb use .
Reply by Ratt
Reply by Crowe
Definitely using this over facebook and instagram, and tiktok, though I do use whatsapp and discord for anyone I know irl or just discord for ppl on here who want to talk somewhere else, I think this'll definitely be very cozy for me though, can't wait to hear more music from people here!!
Reply by juliet's nurse
I deleted pretty much all my past from Facebook in the summer, mostly because I don't trust them with all my crazy ramblings. FB is a cesspool of advertising and not much else and now I no longer post anything, because why bother!
Reply by Jason Anderson
I Deleted my Facebook accounts 2 years ago. I wish I had done it years ago!
Reply by Brandy
I had same share of creeps on here too besides just Facebook. You get anthem everywhere.
Reply by Ryn
Personally, I believe FB is a big fucking joke. Same with almost every other social platform. So much extra dramatic shit there for no reason.
Reply by not_lain
god i really wanna remove my fb account so bad if it wasnt for friends and family
Reply by Xx_max_barf_bucket_xX
Reply by GTK
Dunno about Facebook, but I'm here as I'm considering ditching Twitter. Screw that hellsite
Reply by Ezra Terrestrial
i never really used facebook ive tried 2 but its so AWKWARD 2 use idk i prefer this website
Reply by DeryckEleven
Not for me, but that's because I mostly use Facebook for keeping in touch with people I know IRL. I found Spacehey when Twitter became extra awful. It doesn't provide the same type of experience, but I do enjoy it and am glad I found it.
Reply by Vicky
I'd love to but I'd need to keep Facebook for no other reason than because my relatives are there.
I could see this being the place where I'd be active, but without advanced search it's really hard to connect with people here that I don't already know. If I hit browse I see a lot of blank profiles and a bunch of 14 year olds (which there's nothing wrong with 14 year olds but I'm in my 30's). Hopefully they add that because it's a big drawback to not have it.
Reply by m0nst3rduck
Reply by Cervidae
if spachey ever gets image, video and audio hosting, i will leave fb in a heartbeat
Reply by _freaxx_