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Posted by Right Side


Forum: Dreams Group

This is where to post your dreams. No dreams of a sexual nature please, this group is not intended for that. Perhaps later on, I can open up a NSFW forum to share those kinds of dreams, if there is demand for it.

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Reply by Right Side


As I woke up this morning, I struggled to piece together the dream I had last night, but I think I remember a good portion of it. It took me a while of laying down and waiting for memories of the dream to trigger.

It went a little something like this:
I was in some kind large building, like a high school or something, and I remember there being escalators, and I was wandering around trying to find something, though I wasn't sure what. and I remember literally bumping into an old friend at the bottom of the escalator, which for some reason, I was travelling the wrong way down, and as we bumped into each other, we simultaneously began to adjust each other's collars and dust ourselves down, and greet each other. this meeting was very brief, and we went our separate ways.
I also remember bumping into someone else, a security guard, or a staff member who had access to areas that I didn't, and trying to steal the ID card from his wallet, and scan it with some kind of card-cloning device. It was all done very fast, I bumped into him, grabbed the wallet, smoothly pulled out the card, scanned it, and checked the name and what have you, and put the card, half back into the wallet, all in a fluidic motion, before the staff member had time to turn around and see what was happening, then I passed it off as some kind of error, that his wallet had happened to have fallen out, into my hands and was now just open with the cards neither in nor out of the wallet, and none of the money missing. I believe the person was not mad, but definitely suspicious, but he moved on, and I don't have any recollection of using the cloned card thereafter.
I then remember hallucinating (in a mentally-unwell kind of way), and then being cornered by one of the professors, or institute workers, as it may have been some kind of institute by now, and he injected me, very sharply, into the arm, 2 separate times, with 2 different substance, and not long after that, I woke up.
I didn't have any feelings of ill harm from the person that did that. It seemed as though the medicine they injected me with was helping, it just seemed to be a very rude way to go about giving medicine.

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Reply by R+C


I use to have a recurring dream. It was always about being in a parking lot and either losing my car or not remembering where I parked it. So, it sort of became a habit for me. When it started, I would say to myself .. here we go again with this damn dream of losing my car. Eventually in my dream I always found my car.

The dream was reflecting a need for me to get a hold of my life. I was wondering the wrong way in my life. Fortunately I  found myself and the dream has never come back

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Reply by Right Side



That is a very interesting dream, for sure.
I also keep dreaming the same dreams very often, about being in a large building like a school, and the dream just often goes like this one, with minor variations here and there.

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Reply by R+C


Try to analyze your dream. You are the best person to interpret it. Dreams are an avenue for your subconscious. It’s trying to tell you something. 

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Reply by Right Side


I will try my best :)

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Reply by Right Side


Last night was a weird one. I dreamed about being in school again (I get these dreams often, despite being in my early thirties now)

I dreamed about being in school, and all the people I was in school with were there, as they were 15 years ago, and I remember there being this weird thing we could pay to do during our lunch breaks. It was the most dangerous thing I've ever seen; a massive tower block, with stairs spiralling up it, which lead to an outdoors part on a roof, with a deadly drop between one building and the wall that was to climbed; a crumbling old painted brick wall, with mismatched bricks, loose bricks, sticks sticking out of the bricks where bricks used to be, signs on some of the bricks saying, this one is loose, use at your own risk', with no other obvious ones to grab to progress even higher, that kind of thing.
Anyway, this dream spanned several years, throughout my school years, and we climbed this wall every lunch break. I don't remember the reason, but we did, and it was a miracle that no-one got hurt. 
I also remember progressing from a shy young child into a more confident adolescent during the time this dream spanned. I seen many familiar faces present as though not a single day has passed since the days when I was in school. I remember seeing an old printer that printed really sharply, but only in a grid pattern so as though someone had taken a stencil and sprayed a picture through it, but in a grid pattern (or if you removed the plastic from the front of a calculator and spray painted through the holes where the buttons would be.

I also had the dream of the grand-opening of this weird tower block, and 2 things present in that portion of the dream, where things I seen on social media yesterday. I seen a turtle perform a grand opening on Twitter, yesterday, and on Discord, I seen an image of a thanksgiving pizza with turkey, stuffing, cranberry, and corn. In the dream, I dreamed of a grand opening of this weird tower block, by them giving away free turkey pizzas outside the front, and I remember people enthusiastically receiving these free slices of turkey pizza.

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Reply by Right Side


So last night was a weird and unique one. I dreamed that I met a man who had a snake with 2 heads and no tails, so there was a head at each end of the snake.

One snake was blue (the docile one), and the other one was green (the violent one).
The blue one didn't really do much, it just played the role of being the docile tail, even though it was entirely conscious. The green one was much more aggressive, and bit me, every opportunity it had.
I remember that it was as though the snake was not naturally that way, but there was concern that it was some sort of experiment, to see if snakes could survive like that, and there being welfare concerns, and whether I should allow it to continue living, if it was just in pain.
What a weird dream.

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Reply by R+C


Snakes in dreams have many significances, especially a 2 headed snake. It could be a duality if good versus evil or positive and negative. But, in reality it’s your dream and your subconscious trying to tell you something. So, in the end, only you have the final means to interpret it

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Reply by Right Side


I thought about it being about the duality. I am fascinated by the topic of duality in men. It's very interesting

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Reply by Right Side


Last night, I dreamed that I was moving home, and one of the homes I went to visit, had a shared garden, and my home was on the left, and an elderly woman lived on the right. On the path up to the house, there was a plot of land that had a layer of mushy rotten unidentifiable fruits on the ground, and  a row of rose bushes with no leaves or flowers, just thorns, presumably to keep cats out of the garden. I remember seeing the old lady and she greeted me, but I remember nothing else about the dream.

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Reply by ella b


hi! im new but wanted to share my dream from last night :)

so I was at this park that i've never been to before, and i was waiting for my friends and playing with a popit. i saw my friends across the field, so i ran to them, leaving the pop it. i hung out with them during the day, forgetting about it. the next day i went back to look for the popit, but this girl that i used to be friends w was there. (this girl had been very toxic, talked ab all of us behind our back, admitted using us to become friends w other people.) she asked me why i was there and i said that i was looking for my popit. she asked when i had left and i said i was there yesterday with my "dag". anyways the dream ended with me finding the popit being eaten by a horse who was there for some reason? 

the dream probably was just weird and didn't mean anything but im curious about it.

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Reply by gYromAncY


I fell asleep soundly (a rarity, but it happened).

I awoke, bizarrely, in the EXACT spot, covered by the EXACT blanket I had fallen asleep covered by, yet, this as far as I am aware, was not a lucid dream. In the dream, I was awoken by a black-and-white cat, making no noise, and I had intensely good night vision, in order to be able to see their every detail as they crawled close to me.

Suddenly, the room I had fallen asleep began to fill with other four-legged creatures in the night: rabbits, guinea pigs, many other domesticated pets. There was no sound, but it was not disconcerting. For some reason I was to be the provider to these, to all of them. And yet I was still, absolutely motionless, as if helpless, sleep-paralyzed even within a dream. Minutes of this passed, and then I awoke.

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Reply by Kinzy


I had a dream I was in my body when I was about 4 or 5 maybe and in my dream my sister was trying to hide me bc it was passed my bedtime and my mom was coming to make sure I wasn’t awake so she put me on a hook we had behind out bedroom door and pretended like everything was normal and my mom left when later on for some reason I left the room only to be caught by my mom but she had white eyes and thats all i can remember on this as it was a while ago. I also remember when I was younger and had a nightmare id always have a dream of me walking into a green room and always looking at the floor then getting into bed and laying next to the grinch, however i for some reason could not look at the grinch I have no idea why but I knew that I couldn’t the only reason I know it was the grinch is because I saw his fingers they stopped a while ago thankfully but I still remember them to this day

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Reply by Evaharriet


I had a dream last night that was fairly long but I only remember this one part. We (me and some other people) were trying to save everyone from something they didn't know was going to happen. Then I fell off the ground along with one of my mates and we falling through space. We held hands keeping each other close as we were scared. I knew it was the end for us and we would just keep falling for eternity. And I said to them 'this is it' but my voice was muffled like I was underwater and it was hard to speak like there was a force in the way of the sound coming out properly. I assumed it was because we were in space. I had given up I knew it was the end for us and I felt sorry for my mate as they had hope in us surviving for some reason. There was a little part of me that thought maybe there is chance. We carried on falling until suddenly we were back on land. I think I woke up then but I can't remember. It was so surreal!

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Reply by Sidereus


My Dream was a short one but it scared me.

I was exploring some land with people and a couple of us managed to get into an argument about something I can't remember. I started yelling also at everyone and the noise level was rising.
But it suddenly got quiet. I'm talking dead silent. For some reason everyone stopped yelling at the same time and not even breathing could be heard. There was no sound of the wind or the leaves and bushes. We just all stared at each other. It felt so eery and terrifying. I was about to say something but I woke up staring at the ceiling.

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Reply by Billy 🧙


When I was younger I had a dream of my cousins house I was outside for some reason and it was winter I enter to see their living room it was all white with a white christmas tree. I walk down to my left to a hallway and see see my cousins beds and I remember in detail for some reason their bed covers wich was Mario Kart 7 and Hello Kity, pass by and see a bathroom and a dead end with nothing else to look at I go back down the hallway to the living room and I cannot make this up but everywere I looked I saw a bunch of tv screens with static with chuckys (Childs play) face smiling everywhere in the floor and in the tree i got to the door trying to open the door to leave..

And then I woke up. I've never really been scared of chucky but it is a very odd dream non the less

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Reply by Opal


Is it normal to not be able to see my dreams? 

I can feel, hear and (sometimes) smell them but on very rare occasions i see in my dreams. And on get rare occasions I do see its like a stop motion film, like those silent movies back in the early 1900s but colorized and of course modern. 

Idk if this is all making sense...is this normal?

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Reply by 4k3m1zz


does anyone else get tickled in their dreams 

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Reply by Maybe noah?


I had a dream that I was in a massive school. it was the middle of the day but dark out and raining hard. I could barely see anything but I knew I was in a classroom. I called to see if anyone was there but there was no one. I navigated through the dark school and found a huge door that was made of glass. it led to some kind of courtyard. the rain was loud in my ears. I stepped into the rain expecting it to be cold but it felt like I was taking a hot shower with my clothes on. I sat in the rain until I fell asleep. and when i fell asleep in the dream i woke up irl

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I had a dream where I got a pet mouse and then the pet mouse run away and got caught in a mouse trap and I was crying in that dream for ages

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


A few days ago, I had a weird dream where I was walking to school and on the way there, I saw a random Target standing right outside of my local mall which already has a Target inside of it. I wasn't allowed to go inside of that one because of my paranoid grandmother (who is also pretty paranoid in real life unfortunately).

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Reply by Kid


I spend 2 days (dreams time, not real time) getting comforted, emotionally validated, and some other good dreams stuff, to get my living/social battery recharged next day.

Maybe I didn't got a new cool adventure in my dreams as a non human being, but I got a break from everything as a human being :')

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Reply by Kid


Some days ago the phone i had in my dreams had the accurate time, its was weird wait that one minute for my alarm irl.
Or be in the void after a dream and heard an alarm that doesn't even exist in my house to wake up.

So yeah, dreams are being extra weird lately, at least to wake me up. I cant really remember about what were the dreams before the weird wake ups lately.

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