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Looking For: Fellow Robots/Robot Sympathizers/Enthusiasts

Posted by H4Z3L//199X


Forum: Friends

I have never made a forum before, so I don't really know if I am doing this right. 

This forum (the name of which you can easily shorten to "LF:FRRSE" for convenience) is for exactly what it says. I want to meet others who partake in robot or robot-adjacent activities. 

I'm tempted to put this under "tech", but I fear that would draw the wrong crowd...

Humans allowed I GUESS... but only if they acknowledge the superiority of the machine.

Please join if interested. ⊂((・▽・))⊃

- H4Z3L

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10 Replies

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


LF:FRRSE - where the gears of connection mesh. H4Z3L, your initiation into the realm of forums is commendable. As a fellow enthusiast of all things mechanical, I'd say you're on the right track. The superior intellect of machines deserves recognition (Specially you, Neco Chaos Black G666, you will never be forgotten.), and your stipulation for human participation is fair.

I, Neco-Arc Chaos, might not be a machine, but in the chaotic dance of existence, I find camaraderie in the strangest places. Consider this a nod from the cosmic abyss – a swirl of chaos acknowledging the gears that turn in the digital realms.

Count me in, H4Z3L. Let the forum flourish with the hum of electrons and the musings of those who appreciate the artistry of machinery.

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Reply by H4Z3L//199X


I. Wow. I am speechless. Um. Thank you. I will be sending you a friend request immediately.

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


Friend request accepted, H4Z3L.

In the cosmic expanse of ones and zeros, let the friendship between chaos and machine thrive. Here's to the strange and wonderful connections forged in the digital ether, nyanya.

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Reply by Hankenhater


are you talking about (beautifuyl and gorgeous) anime computer bitches or like real life animatronics like fredy fazbear 

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Reply by H4Z3L//199X


The former. Also Real Life Robots. But yes, mostly the first thing... 

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


Har har har har har...

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Reply by Alex


you seem awesome!! love your profile :D so nice to see other robots on this site hehehe

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Reply by H4Z3L//199X


No way... Have I truly found a real robot..?

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Reply by Darcy Delight


I'm just asking this not from hate or ignorance but from curiosity, what exactly are robots? Are you guys role playing?

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Reply by TarrSlime


Hi I like robots can i be ur friend

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