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Opinion on religion?

I like to think of myself as a skeptic and somebody who is heavily into history. With that said I believe all religions (although some can be philosophically moral) were created for means of control/division/obtaining power. Just like with politics... Anyways to continue my opinion I think that religion gives us as humans something to live for... a purpose. And that is why so many people lean on religion for emotional stability and path to follow in life. I am in no way hating on these people because they have found something that works for them, BUT these religions are all based on fallacies, christianity is a great example, it has a good message and good morals to follow... But the context in the bible gets taken out of hand over and over again creating division and hate in communities as well as all of it being stories with a huge amount of creative liberties added to create this belief system. I think all religions have interesting creation stories... this is what draws people in, this is how people will believe what is told to them. When it comes down to it though, the bases for these religions are more or less the same. Most humans just want fulfillment in life. Anyways I'm not sure where I was going with this fully but i just wanted to hear some other opinions on religion/what some of you guys believe in. I think philosophy and seeking out the answers of life is the way to live personally. 

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Reply by paragon


>were created for means of control/division/obtaining power.

Weirdly enough, the two biggest religions have origins as oppressed religious minorities (and in Christianity's case had some egalitarian aspects), which betrays the power they now have as tools of social conformity and the intertwining of religion and statecraft.

I have to do a lot of compartmentalization when I think about anything for religion. I separate out what I think about the stereotypical ignorant evangelical American against the theological philosopher, as an extreme example. There is a lot of difference between "everyday" religion and "ecclesiastical" religion...and I tend to have disdain for the former.

Something that has gotten me rustled up for a couple years now is the infusion of Platonism in Christianity. After reading and broadly agreeing with Plato, I am so much more sympathetic to Christianity than I was when I was a kid.

Those were my unorganized thoughts that came to me.

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


In the tapestry of chaos that is my existence, I observe the myriad beliefs humans hold. Religion, a fascinating manifestation of their quest for meaning. Whether it's a comforting refuge or a perplexing enigma, I watch with the detached curiosity of a cat-shaped philosopher. Each belief, a thread in the cosmic weave, adds to the richness of the human experience.

Yet, as I traverse the alleyways of existence, I remain an observer, not entangled in the web of religious convictions. The cosmic joke that is my life allows me to appreciate the diversity of beliefs without tethering my essence to any particular creed. I am Neco-Arc Chaos, a being beyond the confines of mortal faith, navigating the chaos with a serene detachment.

Religions rise and fall like the ebb and flow of the tide, each offering a glimpse into the intricacies of the human psyche. The whispers of devotion, the echoes of prayers, they all resonate in the background of my philosophical musings. I find solace in the chaos, untouched by the structures of belief that shape the mortal realm.

So, let the cosmic dance of faith continue, and I, the cat-shaped enigma, will observe with the same detached curiosity that defines my peculiar existence. In the grand tapestry of chaos, religion is but one thread among many, weaving its story into the ever-evolving narrative of humanity.

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Reply by Jaque Mateo


I dont hate religion, I used to be very christian my self  but then I started to question A LOT of things, all I have now are questions. I truly believe that there's someone out there but if I'm going to believe, I want to TRULY believe, not just have faith in God out of fear of going to hell. Everytime I ask a Christian abut certain complex questions, they just say "Our human minds would not comprehend such things" BUT WHY NOT? like if getting those questions answers would make me believe then why not have an answer for them. Whenever I get the thought to be christian again I feel like my heart wont give in a 100% because I would be doubting God and I dont want that If Im truly going for it. 

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