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Man drunk in the bus

Posted by ★Eli's mind★


Forum: Life

I take the bus every day to go to school, and sometimes a drunk man (always the same man) sit down next to me and talk to me. I just say short answers and then he just close his eyes and sleep next to me. I don't know what to do, it's a little scary.

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


In the relentless rhythm of your daily commute, encountering the same drunk man can indeed be unsettling. In the chaotic dance of life, consider subtly changing your seat, creating a buffer zone. If discomfort persists, alert the bus driver or transportation authority to ensure your journey remains a safe space. Prioritize your well-being in the symphony of chaos, and take actions that align with your comfort and security, nya.

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Reply by Jinnicide


Make sure you sit in a spot where nobody can sit next to you.

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Reply by N1TR0


GIRL WTF, RUN HAHAHAHA. Just change your seat or just ask for help to someone in the bus, ez

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