« Art and Photography Forum

What uni/college do you guys go to? Whatcha stuying?

Posted by Aris


Forum: Art and Photography

Not sure why this forum is called School, College and GEEK B)

I go to the university of guelph in ontario! Where do you guys go?

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45 Replies

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Reply by steb•wash


Yo, when posting ur topic make sure u select the proper forum to post it to.  Looks like u meant to post this to the School, College, Greek forum but ended up posting it to the Art and Photography forum because that's the first one on the list in the drop down box.  I made this goof as well when I made my first couple topics so I'm just tryna look out for my fellow Spaceheyers!  It's confusing because if ur already in the forum you're trying to post in, you still have to select the proper forum when actually making ur topic.

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Reply by xxPawlinaPoisonxx AKA "Alastoria"


I`m still in high school, with extended language, history & social studies. 

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Reply by PRINCE


while i wont share outright where I am, I do study animation at a university in the UK!!! ^_^ its really great

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Reply by Swiftpaw


It's a small local college, but I'm getting a degree in web development 

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Reply by vanya chairunissa


I'm currently pursuing physics. it's so much fun!

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Reply by Jonah*


Angelo State University majoring in Psychology.

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Reply by SE1SHUS


i'm taking pre-uni for teaching english as a second language in malaysia !

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Reply by NinjaKat2


spaghetti high university.

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Reply by THE Chris Of All Time


Fanshawe college for Programming! Southern Ontario Gang!!!

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Reply by David Wolfe


Queen Mary University of London. I study Politics and Business in my final year, but I might get into Accounting later on.

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Reply by kooru03


I'm gonna study Graphic Design! I am super excited to start.

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Reply by rika


i wanna go do fashion journalism in ual (central saint martins) in london :o

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Reply by Codex


idk but i do wanna study animation, im almost there so i kinda have to think fast

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Reply by Lyra


im currently in lafayette studying to be a pk-3 teacher,,, but i wanna transfer so bad ;-;

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Reply by ★.lucky_latt3.★


I'm studying Biotechnology in Italy. Pretty interesting uni ^^

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Reply by ★Mars


i'm studying animation in indonesia atm!! can't say which university but it's a private onee

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Reply by Dan


I studied law at Diego Portales university in Chile. Im a lawyer and my dream is to become a judge :3

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Reply by johnny


Currently in community but aiming for OSU or UCO. I study biology :D

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Reply by johnny


Currently in community but aiming for OSU or UCO. I study biology :D

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Reply by aok


I attend UMich :) no complaints yet people there are pretty swag. some of my professors are kinda weird, but i do talk about video games with some of them! i study cybersec :D

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Reply by Nyreen


I graduated from business administration in 2021. 

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Reply by jasper ✩


not exactly comfortable saying exact place, but I go to a senior college [year 11 and above, so ages 17 and above.], I'm currently studying visual art, and digital art as my mains. Planning on going to art uni, I'm from SA, hehe. Planning to be a comic illustrator....

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Reply by yurukiisan


I go to a private uni in Nebraska I'm a social sciences education major!

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Reply by ✫✭alfie.✭✫


i'm studying foreign languages :p it's pretty fun! altho this program is focused on being a teacher and pedagogy. that part? i dont really like it that much >_<'' but it's oki tho i still enjoy itttt

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Reply by Local Alien Sightings SYS


A  college in Oregon for ASL :D

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Reply by XxrhiannonriotxX


I go to Rutgers in Camden, NJ! I'm majoring in photography and minoring in painting! I'm also a part of a sorority (Delta Phi Epsilon) :3

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Reply by Numa Mako


I'm studying Industrial Design and I'm studying in a private university here in Argentina

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Reply by andromeda


fashion design at a brazillian college!!

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Reply by valoky


Reply by Chi ✽ ໋ 。


i'm an art theory and history major at the fine arts school of my city! ૮ ꈍﻌ ꈍა

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Reply by Toby♀


Not sure what i'll study but I hope it's something that makes me money 

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Reply by Toby♀


Not sure what i'll study but I hope it's something that makes me money 

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Reply by David does Gaming


College, learning to be a 1-4 grade teacher. Haven't gotten to the actual profession stuff yet though 

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Reply by David does Gaming


College, learning to be a 1-4 grade teacher. Haven't gotten to the actual profession stuff yet though 

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college !

in the uk , studying level 3 software development :)

coding & stuff ..

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Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. funny thing is, im an atheist

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Reply by Nepeta_Cataria


I'm currently doing a Ph.D in Biotecnhology and, surprise! I'm a biotechnology engineer!

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Reply by jayjabinks


Im studying the art of games at a tiny uni in London called Escape studios :)

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Reply by marsh ⋆。°✩


recent grad here, i studied game art!

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Reply by Pachacuty


I'm not in university at the moment, but im planning on goint to study thanatopraxy so i can work in a mortuary repairing and handling bosdies

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Reply by Zeddekiah


Im studying animation at a university in NJ. To any fellow arts n animation majors, reveal thyself and make haste to the friend request button  (•◡•) /

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Reply by LetsGetIt


I went to UCLA but I fell for a meme degree. Anything outside of STEM is trash unless you have nepotism on your side to be honest.

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Reply by Dingkosh


In my final year at Oregon State right now (go Beavs) for BioHealth Sciences, planning on going into radiology once I graduate. If anyone else here is pre-med stay strong through those first 2 years, all of the intro science classes are designed to weed you out and make you change your major but it's all worth it once you get past them

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Reply by xlam|хламик


boo. I'm graduating from school next year and plan to become a kindergarten teacher in my gray Russia. I will try to teach children to be kind to each other :) 

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Reply by (;屍鬼)•satsujin


Currently studying veterinary medicine (UBO)

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