Hi there, I'm an avid toy collector and I noticed that there's no forums for my interest. I believe there should be two new forums added
-Hobbies and Interests
What would these two entail? Toys would be based on toy collecting or general discussion of toys. As a toy collector, it's interesting to communicate with other collectors about their collection and their journey as collectors. Hobbies and Interests would be more general, this would feature various hobbies as topics for people to interact on.
Why should these two be separate? The hobby of toy collecting is very large. While I personally collect Transformers, another collector may collect G2 My Little Pony merchandise. The separation is necessary to prevent a toy forum from flooding a hobby forum as the hobby of toy collecting is too large for it to fit with every others hobbies. Not only that, but other hobbies have their own forums such as Sports, Animals, Music, etc.
Adding in a toy forum would allow for like-minded people to gather, rather than searching other forums for discussion and a hobbies forum would allow for people to discuss their general (or very niche, too niche for a whole forum) interests.