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The Birthday Massacre fans… Are you out there?

Posted by charnel_doll


Forum: Music

This is one of my favourite favourite bands and yet every time i tell someone about them they go “who”? Please tell me I’m not totally alone in this 

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Reply by charlie rider


YOURE NOT ALONE!! ive only listened to imagica and pins and needles but they go crazy hard and i really need to listen to more of their stuff. do you have a favorite album or a recomendation??

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Reply by thrashwoof


waaaait omg i used to be obsessed with them. "Walking with strangers" was one of the first CDs i ever bought, unfortunate they never got very popular. another band i was really into at the same time was "one-eyed doll" which i neeeever see anyone talk about either

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Reply by charnel_doll


WOW OKAY super awesome to know other fans r out there!!! 

Charlie - my favourite favourite albums are “Hide and Seek” and “Superstition”, but it’s literally all soooo good!! Pins and Needles is definitely up there too!

Thrashwoof - first of all, love your username lol, and aaaaa so happy to meet another fan! Walking with Strangers was the first album of theirs I bought, too!

Chelly - ohmigosh, really? I feel like in the circles I run in, The Birthday Party is WAY more well known than The Birthday Massacre, haha

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Reply by jayme


i've only listened to blue and dead, but im pouring all these other titles into my recs

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