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punk recommendations?

Posted by Nico


Forum: discover new music ♥ Group

Tryin to get into punk musix. Would like sum recommendations. Thx 

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Reply by ↑Mack↓


Fortunately, punk can be found all over the place!

A couple of my favorite American hardcore punk groups would be Turnstile and Drain, the former's "Can't Get Away" is a favorite as is the latter's "Feel the Pressure"

If we take a look East, there we can find Suck, a punk band from Germany! Don't worry, their lyrics are in English. A favorite song by them would be "Gimme Your Number"

A little further east and we find a Soviet Post-Punk classic! Кино, or Kino, were an outspoken band in the Soviet union, singng about the horrors of war and the need for peace, as well as openly criticizing the government. Some speculate the incredibly popular lead singer and songwriter Viktor Tsoi was killed by the government for his counter-cultural ways, as his music became that of revolution during the fall of the Soviet Bloc during the end of the Cold War. Keep in mind, the lyrics to this band's songs are in Russian, so you may want to look up the lyrics of one of my favorite anti-war songs from the group, "Группа крови", pronounced (and typed) Gruppa Krovi in English, which means "Blood Type."

Finally, heading south, we hear the riveting lyrics and style of an Australian Punk band called CIVIC. I'm not super well educated on their beginnings or their music, I just know they ROCK! My favorite song from them is "Taken by Force," the title track to their most recent album.

Hope this helped!

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Reply by moonlight3


i personally like 'Subhumans' they are really good, my fav album by them would prob be 'the day the country died' but the live albums are also good

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Reply by Urban_Neon_Rain💜


If you wanna know some of the OGS, check out a band called Death :) 

Also, some of my favorites fall under crust and horror punk, such as Poison Girls, Oi Polloi, 45 Grave, & the Cramps. Punk has a lot of Subgenres though, so you'll definitely find something you like!

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