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SpaceHey Mobile!!!! What are your thoughts??

Posted by yottaFlare


Forum: SpaceHey

Just logged into the app - love the old iOS design, a little nostalgic and cute. And so far it works like a charm! 

I know it *just* launched but I already have some suggestions - UI changes like dark mode, tbh I'd love a sticker program like blabber.im or LINE that lets you upload your own sticker packs, and I noticed a couple typos but so far so good ^^ 

Whatchu thinkin?

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Reply by LongtimeLurker1999


It's missing a few features, but I like what we've got so far. The UI really takes me back.

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Reply by yottaFlare



Yeah the roadmap looks promising tho ^^

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


Just hopped on SpaceHey Mobile too, and the vintage iOS vibes are giving me some chaotic nostalgia, nya. Functionality's smooth, but dark mode and custom sticker packs would be purrfect additions. Typos are just part of the cosmic joke, but overall, it's a decent playground for my musings. Keep the chaos coming. An option for gifs without searching on google for them would be fantastic, or more intuitive personalization. Maybe even the option to upload images without needing a link. Keep the chaos coming, nyanya.

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