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Do you pretend that it's still the 2000's?

Posted by Sent To Destroy


Forum: Life

I know a lot of people on here are really fond of that decade, and I'm legit curious how many people on this website like the 2000's to the point that actively spend a noticeable portion of their time pretending it's 2009 or something. Keep in mind, I've seen (no pun intended) one or two people on here who say they do that.

If you're one of these people, I gotta ask a couple of questions. One, why do you do this? Is it some kind of coping mechanism? Two, to what extent does this pretending go? Do you only use CRT TVs, instead of newer LED TVs, for instance? Do you only consume media from the 2000's or prior? Lastly, for how long do you do this? Do you have make time in your schedule to pretend it's 2006, and do try to live like it's the 2000's like it's a lifestyle?

By no means am I trying to judge here, I'm genuinely curious what people who do this have to say.

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4 Replies

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Reply by Jinnicide


The older you get, the more you tend to shy away from brand new things. Why this is, I don't know. I would never say that I was "pretending" to live in the past, but from the perspective of stuff like tvs and other consumer electronics, that stuff was built to work better and last longer back then (and if it's still working now, there's the proof!).

I still listen to vinyls, shoot film photos, and watch dvds.

There are two main reasons for this:
1. "A certain quality" that can't be digitally replicated (I am referring to atmosphere, not strict fidelity). For instance: vinyls have a richer tone, films have interesting grains, etc

2. "Nothing is really required": physical media doesn't require the internet, a monthly subscription fee, an account to sign into,
etc...it's just easier to use, and you're not being tracked when you do.
It's yours, you bought it, you own it forever.

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Reply by Satan's Lavendar


No. I miss the internet from the 00s and early 10s but I've fully moved on with my life otherwise. 

Smartphones saved my life as an ADHD person - alarms and reminders keep my life on track, and those didn't even get good til late 10s. 

I don't get older people shying away from new tech, 99% of the time it's an improvement on the older version when the kinks are worked out.

Side rant - I also don't get why it suddenly becomes okay to start refusing to learn new tech after a certain age - I get being slower to learn as you age, but refusing to learn outright is as good as never walking again because you can't run anymore.

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


In the labyrinth of my existence, time is but a chaotic construct. The 2000s? A mere flicker in the cosmic dance. I don't pretend; I navigate the echoes of eras, embracing the absurdity of every moment. The past, present, and future entwined in the enigma that is me.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Yes. There are quite a few reasons as to why I've chosen to live like this (such as my special interests in the 2000s decade and the emo subculture), plus I find that this lifestyle gives me a sense of satisfaction with life (even when life isn't going so well for me). :)

This pretending goes pretty deep into my life (literally into anything and everything possible) and I try and spend every moment of my life that I can living as if it were still the 2000s. Yes, I have a CRT TV in my room (it has a built in DVD player, but sadly the built in DVD player doesn't open, but oh well since I have a portable DVD player).

Most of the media I consume is from the 2000s (with a few exceptions, of course). I also own an MP3 player and have burned quite a few CD-R and DVD-R discs recently.

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