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Digital artists!!!

Hi!! I'm a digital artists/novice animator and I love meeting fellow artists ^_^!! Feel free to share your work here, I'd love to see it <3 !!!

Posting some of my more recent artworks below!!!  :3

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15 Replies

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Reply by Robot


- The art is amazing, it's really nice and I think it will be a really great experience to work on the robot and have it animate and be a robot.

- It will make my work feel real and I think that's the key to success in any kind of art work!

I hope you all enjoyed this!

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Reply by Buraiden Gai


absolutely love the painted style of that first piece!

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Reply by Amber


You're artwork is really cool!! I especially love how pretty the second one is!

I'm also a digital artist! :)

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Reply by Melrose


I work with AI art rendering. My hands shake too much for a good stylus and pad (Even with medication.) So I have a lot of my artwork up on Artbreeder. Before anyone says it's not real art, let me illustrate something for you. It is art, it takes a lot of time and fine tuning to get the renders to look *just right* and even then, there's lots of tools to help make the render warp further to what you are looking to create. It's a fine art tool for those with disabilities like mine, allowing us to be creative without unnecessary stress on our hands and arms. 

I do portraits for roleplayers, and gamers looking to recreate their favorite characters. It's commission based, but I enjoy it, and it's very satisfying to see the outcome and results of my work. 

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Reply by Melrose


Just a few more of my work. 

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Reply by PRINCE


everyone is so talented omgggg ;__;/

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Reply by Melrose


Hiya Prince! I'm a disabled AI artist, I use a variety of different AI sites to do the artwork I produce. Thank you for the compliment however, I appreciate it very much. 

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Reply by PRINCE


Melrose that's still awesome!!!! AI work is still important and extremely cool ^_^

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Reply by Melrose


Reply by NinjaKat2



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Reply by DivorceMan


Reply by AUGUST


Hellooooo !! im a digital artist who mainly uses procreate, here's some of my art:

You can find me on my links via my profile

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Reply by uukipi


everyone has such nice rt omg!!! heres a lil painting i did of my oc Luna

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Reply by Setowarusawa



Here are some sketches I made on procreate :)

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Reply by ༺Lunar Pranik༻


Побуду первым русским среди англоговорящих. 

Полноценный арт был создан около месяца назад, скейтчу уже пол года. Надеюсь, кому нибудь понравится. 🤎

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