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Mobile Migration broke my profile

Posted by ✨Lo✨


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Hallo, I'd like to ask for help regarding my profile. I'm pretty novice in terms of HTML so my profile is cobbled together from many snippets. I edited my bio on the mobile app and now this has happened.

The things that broke are the font, (but weirdly, not the text color? they're in the same snippet so idk how the hell that happened.), My name, and the background. Does anyone know how to help?

Profile Screenshot

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Reply by ✧˚•₊🩸bloodflwrz🖤₊•˚✧


yeah... same thing happened to me :( Literally havent touched anything except my bio in the mobile app. im also looking for a solution

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Reply by Ryan


I installed the app to test it on my profile and noticed that when I saved, it basically pulled my profile code from my About Me box where I had it originally and moved it to a new box at the bottom of my edit page called "HTML/CSS Code". Although, in my case it didn't pull all of it and some of it got left in my About box, which broke it.

Your experience may not be the same as mine, but have you double checked your profile code for any inconsistencies or any missing code?

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Reply by ✨Lo✨


All the code is there, it just doesn't work.. I'm going to try deleting it and re adding it, hopefully that helps.

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Reply by Asmophet


Same problem here. Everything is still there, but it refuses to load my background, pfp, and some other image stuff...

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