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What is the silliest true crime case you have heard of?

This is not meant to minimize, glamorize or make light of the seriousness of true crime.

Hi all! 

So, the nature of crime can be truly devastating. Often times, especially now with the advent of the true crime "Fandom" having taken off in the main stream to a much greater extent, there is a disturbing loss of humanity for the victims and the perpetrators, and the lasting pain these cases can and will cause to the families involved. 

This is all true, and it is also a fact that while there is a true seriousness to all this, there are certain cases that can only be described as...silly.

You know what I mean, cases that are so far fetched, straight out of a slap-stick comedy that someone in the Looney tunes storyboarding room could have come up with. These plots are often foiled due to the never ended stupidity and sheer arrogance of the perpetrator. 


  • The only criteria is that the attempted crime was foiled before it could harm anyone. In other words, it must be a case without harm coming to the intended victim. 

I am excited to hear what cases you all know!

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Reply by Annie Ann


Me first! 

The biggest reason I created this topic was because I wanted to tell everyone about the halarious case of Dalia Dippolito. 

The case of Dalia Dippolito

This case happened in 2009, in Boynton Beach, Florida, USA. it involves Mike Dippolito, who was on probation for drug charges and a fraud operation he had been caught in. One day, while his wife of seven years was away, he decided to get an escort and that is where he met Dalia Mohammed. In a whirl-wind, short and fiery romance of about 2 weeks, Mike divorced his wife and married Dalia. 

This is where things get weird for Mike. His parole officer shows up after multiple calls that he was dealing drugs from his home (None were found), then the same thing happened on a trip Mike took with Dalia to palm beach (Nothing was found), and then finally the same thing happened after Mike and Dalia went out to dinner and this time narcotics were found in the car. 

Mike had a breakdown because he had no idea why this was happening to him since he had not been doing any durg dealing, and funny enough, his parole officer thought the same and let Maike go. 

To save you guys a long story, Dalia went to her ex boyfriend, Mohammed, to ask him to kill Mike after she had this whole song and dance about him being abusive. Mohammed went straight to the police and the police bugged his car with a camera and when Dalia confirmed her intent to kill her husband, the Florida police did the most Florida thing imaginable. The famed show, COPS, was in town and they jumped at the chance. 

They trolled her! 

I am not joking, they had an undercover cop pose as a hitman, faked a crime scene, were there with cameras rolling when they told Dalia the fake news that Mike had been killed, the whole nine yards! 

This all happened in 2009 too, the same year they married! She had been trying to get rid of him from the jump, and thankfully it didn't work.

There is so much more to this case, but I'll leave you with this link to a youtube video inteast. Its from the popular channel JCS, I'm sure you'll like it.


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Reply by Annie Ann


Any teen hacker story every.

Gamers are so interesting to me, and I am similar to them, but certainly not as dedicated. There are countless of teen hackers who just hack into major companies to do the silliest things (leak games, see developing games and learn how to jail break their devices) and then somehow the FBI, CIA and Department of Homeland security is always involved because the American government will die if it doesn't poke its nose into every facet of human existence.

I actively remember being taught how to hack things, once upon a time where my mind could comprehend code, and the second I got a warning about the U.S government knowing what I was doing I stopped because I knew that pirating a skin for my favorite game was not worth it.

Then seeing how these teens go so far with everything it always cracks me up because while they are so smart, you can tell these are teens because their goals are rarely malicious and they are really more like annoyances who never know when to stop. It's the thrill that gets them, it starts out vaguely innocently and when they see they can pull a fast one on the U.S government and companies worth millions.

I was always told as a kid that the greatest enemy of a teenager is arrogance, and it is true in these cases. Nothing but sheer arrogance is what brings everything down. I consider these victimless crimes for the most part, whole goose chases if anything.

My "Hacking" days are beyond over, I left that life behind before 2012 when the world of code still made sense. It was fun while it lasted and it was fun to have known HTML like the back of my hand for the fun of it. We used to be a nation I tell you!

I can't even fathom I learned how to code in the run down computer class in my local high school during summer school. Even in my memories I cannot even being to decipher the code that made sense to me at the time, I almost want to relearn it all again but that life is done with now, but it was fun, everything was so fun back then. One day we will have days just like that, I feel it.

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