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Genshin Impact anyone?

Posted by b. waffle 🤍


Forum: Games

hiiii if anyone else plays Genshin Impact drop your UID's so we can co-op and help each other out! i am at AR34 and any tips on how to farm artifacts or anything else related to Genshin Impact. Hopefully people reply and I can meet new people. :-)

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5 Replies

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Reply by Jack


Oh really 

Never played it before 
I play Dragon Raja

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Reply by Emy


Yeah I’m ar 53 I’ll edit this to tell u my uid later 

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Reply by natso ✰


hey im only ar 40 but i want friends to play with :)

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Reply by cieldm1


me here !! but i play genshin sometimes,,, its not frequent

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Reply by vick



im ar 56

i got navia recently and im building some characters

add me!!111 600374340

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