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Posted by glaucophyte.


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

hey all! i was having a weird problem when inserting falling object code from this generator, and it seems like other people were having the same problem!!

☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆===THE PROBLEM AT HAND===☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆

after inserting the generated code, most links at the top of my page (edit profile, view blog, etc,) were suddenly unclickable. it's inconvenient for you as you edit because there's no easy way to get back into the editing page, and it's bad because nobody that visits your page will be able to click any links into your blog. that sucks!! here's how to fix it!!

☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆===HOW TO FIX IT===☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆

this is a SHORT example of what my code looked like when i copied it in from the generator:

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="down" style="position:absolute; left:60%; top:181px;      width:30; height:603px;"><img src="http://dl4.glitter-  graphics.net/pub/121/121154vmqwujj6i0.gif"/></marquee>

and isn't too far off from what yours probably looks like too! the issue here is with the "width" option that i boldfaced. it should read as "width: 30px". since it's missing its "px" signifier, the code is malfunctioning. here is all you need to do:

go through your code and find every area where the width is specified and add the "px" signifier to the end of the number without any spaces. this is a SHORT example of what the code should look like now:

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="down" style="position:absolute; left:60%; top:181px;    width:30px; height:603px;"><img src="http://dl4.glitter-  graphics.net/pub/121/121154vmqwujj6i0.gif"/></marquee>

depending on your selected image and how your code generates, there will be around 20 entries of code that are similar to what's listed above. just go through and find all the instances of "width: 30" and change them to "width: 30px". now, you have beautiful falling objects AND your links are clickable!! 


hopefully this helped! if you need anything cleared up, lemme know! 

  happy coding & best wishes, all :)

  -- bels monr0e xx

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Reply by dirtbeetle


Thank you!!!! it works for me ^.^ much appreciated 

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Reply by chalkbored


TYSMMM worked like a charm!!

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