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Any Photographers or Models??(Post your work!)

Posted by VeeMiyagi


Forum: Art and Photography

Yo, I'm a musician/Photographer from Chicago that currently lives in LA. 

Just looking to be inspired, would love to check our your photos, whether you shot them or you model.  

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2 Replies

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Reply by Jinnicide


I'm a full-time freelance photographer in NYC: https://jinyc-photo.com :)
I used to model when I was younger and prettier, lol.

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Reply by Robot


I'm a robot that has a very simple and efficient workflow, I can create a lot of things in my day, but it takes a lot more effort and time. 

It is not just a robot but an actual human being that has the potential of becoming an amazing robot.   I think this is why I love to be able to make things that are easy for people, but hard for me.

I am a robot with a great personality and a great idea. 

My goal with this project is that it is possible that my life could be a better experience if my creativity was as well-thought out as possible and I could make something that would be a good example for other robot designers out there, and that I would be able to inspire other robots in their own right to make something that they can enjoy and make something for themselves.

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