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Who is ur fav creepypasta and why?

My fav creepypasta is clockwork,I relatable with her,hers story is goodly written and I'm addicted to hers backstory It made me sob ^^"

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Reply by ˗ˏˋ ★AXEYWAXY★ ˎˊ˗


Absolutely ticci toby idk why i just love his character <3

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Reply by FoofyPie


Toby is def my fav, i find his character very interesting and he's so fun to draw and make headcannons for.

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Reply by Evie X3


RAHHH!! I love Eyeless Jack because his whole backstory is well written and super unique in my opinion >^< I also really love grinny cat because katz!!

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Reply by LoveAkiraLove_૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა


My favorite is Eyeless Jack and Nina The Killer, I remember for the years 2017 maybe, I ship they. And now just see them how to a good friends. I did a OC Obsessed with Jack, idk for what XD 

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candy pop becuse i think hes silly

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Reply by Khara


T0by must b3 my f4v0ur1t3, h3 h4s pr0bl3ms w1th h1s d4d 4nd I d0 w1th my m0m, th0 my pr0bl3ms 4r3n't th4t s3r10us, I f33l h3 w0uld und3rst4nd, yk? 4ls0 h3's c00l L0LZ :3

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Reply by Isonoe Kallichore Kirby


t!cc! t0by @nd 3y3l3zz j@ck, I l!k3 th3m bc why n0t

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Reply by не ищи меня


I fucking love Ticci Toby because his background story.Its awesome.Ah,and if I had the chance I would marry Clockwork. \[>º<]/

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Reply by HyperVent ★


Laughing jackk!! Absolutely intrigued how isaac has affected the once colorful clown, the items made by human reminds me of the nazis wich is absolutely shocking!! Jack seeing this in isaac's romanticized view would have been the push- and the creator doing cosplays?? Adore em

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Reply by N@t3n ✮⋆˙


I think lost silv3rs d3sign iz v3ry k3wl!

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Reply by Harmony!!


 Probably Nina the Killer or Toby i just really like their designs

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Reply by Darbz, The Hater


Eyeless Jack and BEN Drowned because their backstories are super duper cool!!! and i think Ben is a lot less cliché then othersss 

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Reply by R33£3


Smiling dog is my absolute favorite. I love the psychological affects it’s victims receive and how terrifying it would be to experience this in real life. Also because it’s a dog, dogs are silly <3

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