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Any concerts you guys have been to? Have you met anyone famous in the scene?

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Reply by ✟ NIN ✟


I went to Skinny Puppy’s final tour a few months back and it was one of the best experiences. The show was incredible and afterwards I got to meet Paul Barker- who was the Bassist of Ministry. He was super sweet, albeit a bit surprised at my appreciation and slight excitement to meet him.

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Reply by Garrett’); DROP TABLE


I saw My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult back in 2019 and they had Curse Mackey open for them. I was a big fan of his band Grim Faeries back in the early 2000’s so I was excited to tell him. He, too, seemed surprised that I was excited to meet him lol

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Reply by Tyler i guess


i saw Uniform and licked the vocalist's sweaty knuckle from the front row

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