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Tryin' to learn music theory.

Posted by dj orange peelings


Forum: Music

Been listening to alot of songs and stuff, mostly classical or 1990s video game music.

I've managed to recreate the main melody from Mask Dedede (Kirby Ultrastar) today in FL Studio, but besides that i've pretty much been just trying to learn by myself, and i've only ever came up with like 2 original songs that aren't remixes.

So to all you guys they can make some pretty good music. Got any tips?

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Reply by ben


i've just recently gotten into music theory and i think it's helped my music a lot. before, i was too intimidated by "chords" and "chord progressions" and stuff and as a result my music was mostly drums, vocals, and some melodic accompaniment and i was rarely proud of what i made.

after i started a challenge where i had 90 days to make 50 songs, i wanted to make sure i really understood what i was doing. i started by compiling every ionic scale onto a google doc, so that i could see what scale a song i had in mind was using. (i also noted which scales were modes of other scales. for example, the c major scale is the same as the a minor scale)

my advice to you would be to experiment. make a bunch of songs and try something new in each one. for example, you could create a new fl studio project and say "i'm going to write a song in F# lydian!" and start with chords or a melody. it can still seem really intimidating, like you have to get the right chords or something, but i've found it's best to just play around with a scale and see what you get. i made this song by starting with just the beginning part and expanding off of it, and i'm proud of how it turned out.

EDIT: i completely forgot to mention david bennett piano! his youtube channel helped me a lot with understanding certain parts of music theory and made it feel a little less alien (and he is also responsible for me getting really into radiohead)

if you have any questions, you are welcome to shoot me a message!

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