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Does anyone have creative career recs/experiences?

I've not really chosen which path to take after school ends. I'm really into theatre and music and such, but I know how small the chances of actually making a living on those are. I've been thinking of any job that requires creativity and isn't too repetitive, but I just can't seem to come up with one. 

Anyone know anything that would help me? Stories about experiences are appreciated too!

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Reply by Jinnicide


All jobs are repetitive, especially early on. Nobody lands their dream job right out of school, it generally takes at least a decade, if not longer. You have to put in the time, the practice, the dedication, the work. It sucks, but thems the breaks! Pick one thing, and get REALLY good at it. Then you can move on to something different, most people will go through several different career changes in their lifetimes, so don't think you have to be 'locked in' to whatever you choose for now.

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