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What do you think is the most over-rated and under-rated fursona species?

In this context over-rated and under-rated dont mean just "bad" or "good" btw (* ̄▽ ̄)b

In my opinion I think protogens are pretty over-rated and I have seen alot of them. (not that I have any room to speak... ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ) And that aquatic and insect species are under-rated, I have seen so few but all of them look amazing!! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

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Reply by 🔪 L1am 🥩


I think foxes(and kinda canines in general) are overrated and insects are definitely underrated.

(I have like multiple canine fursonas and 0 insect ones so )

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Reply by Rabbit1


Overrated? Canines, easily. That's most of the fandom's speicies population. Underrated? Literally anything else lol. But I'd love to see more crocodiles. I have yet to see a praying mantis suit but that would be sick too. While sergals are popular, I feel like they're the least popular out of the popular original species, so it always makes me happy to see more of them, too.

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