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how did you find out about south park?

well, you can judge me but I met him when sp was in the hype on tiktok, i think it was in march, but since then, i've become a huge fan of this cartoon! south park became my biggest hyperfocation and i love sp sooo much!!!

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


my father was into it when his friends would mail him homemade videotapes of tv recordings of the first few episodes of south park from the united states between august and november of 1997. keep in mind, this was months before south park aired in canada, but dvds did exist, but they were expensive as fuck cuz they werent mainstream until around 2001. also, youtube (or any kind of social media site and smartphones) didnt exist back then either.

sadly, me and him dont have the tapes since it has been almost 15 years since he has last seen them and im sure that if i had them, they wouldve been in terrible condition and the vcr probably would eat the tape as well.

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Reply by mr. petuski


i discovered it in 2006 when season 10 was airing, and spent my whole spring break that year binging through the whole series on a disreputable website where the videos were all 240p at best, and not always synced up right with the audio.

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Reply by Sykokitty ☆˚✧


my dad loll, ah i remember when he watched it i though kenny was a girl with brown hair

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Reply by web


I watched a gameplay of south park the stick of truth... as a very young kid. I couldn't sleep after that bc i thought aliens would come for my ass 

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Reply by Goblin


i grew up around it tbh, but the first time i was aware i was watching south park was with my grandpa when he was watching 'you have 0 friends' 

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Reply by Alan4567


yo lo conoci cuando reo tenia 7 años, en ese tiempo me levantaba siempre de mañana como a las 4 am para prender la tele y ver las caricaturas, pero quise ver algo nuevo asi que cambie de canal, cambie y cambie hasta que encontre el canal de MTv y estaba el cap de grandes esperanzas de Pip, me cautivo mucho y segui viendo el episodio.

luego se puso otro episodio que era el de cartman haciendo amigos por internet, solo alcance a ver esos dos pero fue suficiente para abrirme un mundo nuevo de ¿caricaturas? que obviamente no era para niños jsjsj

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