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Some random thoughts

I feel that the meaning of life is to make the biggest impact possible positive or negative. Think about celebrities or presidents and maybe dictators, they all have directly or indirectly affected us and are now memorialized in books, tv shows, movies, documentaries, essays, etc. Thats why at some point in my life I would like to make a giant impact on people negative or positive as long as it will immortalize me and i wont be forgotten in 4 generations because all i did was work my days of at a desk job like a mindless drone, and instead going down as an extremely memorable person that will stay relevant for and extremely extended period of time.

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Reply by Jinnicide


so you think that popular people are inherently more valuable?

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Reply by Cranky Old Witch


The Epic of Gilgamesh, perhaps the older tale written. Written over 4,000 years ago in clay tablets in cuneiform talks about this. The theme of the human desire for immortality, or at least legacy. 

We're just not that far removed from a king of Uruk from nearly 5,000 years ago. 

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Reply by Jaque Mateo


But at the end it truly doesn't matter or so I think cuz we all die at the end (memento mori).Like for example Van Gho, he got attention AFTER he dies yet he will never know because he died therefore doesnt know the impact he made on art. So I think its rather better to follow the dreams u have and strive to be as good as possible, but of course if ur dream is to make an impact dont ;et anybody stop you >:)

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