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I was gifted Anime figures from an anime I don’t watch (from years ago, like at least 5) and now idk want to do with them, mom suggested I could paint them! (they are Broken!)

Posted by Starz


Forum: General


What should I paint them into? Should I even paint them? I’m not aloud to sell them so should I through them away? They are broken and missing things that probably gone forever. Sorry for messy floor

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Reply by Cherry


i mean if they don't mean anything to you then maybe you could just throw them away. 

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Reply by lavender


You could glue them back together and customize them

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Reply by Starz


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I did it! I just hope my dog or mom won't find out lol
(I poured vinegar to distract my dog from the pile and put my dogz "outdoor bed" that she dosen't use over the pile)

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