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The groups favourite Deathmatch server - #2 PORNO PORNOO SEX PORNOO SEX BITCHES- HLDM.cz - is no longer available.

Posted by Alveus Nosville


Forum: Half-Life Lambdaposting Group

It's with a grave pain in my heart I inform you this sad revelation is confirmed by two server tracking sites: gamemonitoring.net and gametracker.com Where it's down.

Thus as Half-Life enters it's 25 years of existance, we mark a quiet end of an era. The saddest part about this is we don't even know how long it's been down for.

We do none the less wish you a happy anniversary of our favourite game, it's just a shame we can't check the "new" player models on the server we'd ordinarely turn to when our own hosting efforts failed.

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Reply by DEfusion69


deathmatch is over, millions must uninstall

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