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Some thing I've experienced (Shadow hands)

Posted by KatieBby


Forum: Paranormal Stuff Group

Hiya! I go by katiebby which is my vtuber persona but what I write here are some very real experiences I've had.

Okay let's go!

One of the earliest things I can remember was when I was a kid (about 4 or 5) I once saw something that I will always remember vividly.

My family and I was on a vacation I believe, my older sister (8 at the time) and me shared this small room with two beds next to each other. I claimed the bed that was sort of on the side the door was opening.

Night time came, we went to bed. As a kid when I couldn't fall asleep I'd often just boredly stare around the dark-ish room until I fell asleep (The rooms were never pitch black because I had a phobia of the dark so you could always see well enough)

I remember looking up at the door, as it was open, and this shadowy hands started peeking over it. Long fingers, pitch black hand. It started waving at me (me being a kid thought it was my dad 🫠) so I waved back at the hand.

I only realized something was off when another hand appeared next to the first hand, both grabbing onto the door ledge at the very top as if something was pulling itself up to peek over at me. Being freaked out I instantly turned on the bed side lamp and what would you know? It was gone. Nothing there.

I know they say kids have vivid imaginations, but I believe I was not imagining it. Still to this day. I've never seen something like that after that all happened...can't help but wonder what would have peeked over the door if I hadn't  turned on the light if I'm honest

Seeing that dumb video about the hands with the curtain shower reminded me of this childhood memory:

For reference

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4 Replies

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Reply by KatieBby


It would be nice to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar... please share your stories!

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Reply by yukari


Did the vacation home/hotel have the door or mirror facing the bed? Probably the best paranormal explanation I have is that you opened a portal with a mirror or too much bad energy entered your room and to your bed, leaving you stuck forever with these spirits, but if you had any childhood trauma of any sort it could just be hallucinations

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Reply by KatieBby


I don't remember there being any mirrors in that room if I'm honest. Only years after that incident have I gone through some childhood traumas and struggles growing up. Thanks for the reply! 

Though now that you mention mirrors facing beds...most of the years my mirrors have been facing my bed, even in the room I have now. I should probably move it haha...

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Reply by steven.<3


omg i shouldnt have looked at the photo you added im not sleeping ever again...lmao

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