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Posted by 0x0_killerCrow_0x0


Forum: Games

homestuck still kicking in 2k23? wild, isnt it?

anyways heres some stuff for yall

cherp.chat used to be cherubplay, and mxrp used to be msparp, both of which were homestuck based roleplay sites but have branched out and are still kicking

the forums have not returned, unfortunatelyย 

the genisis project is a homestuck fangame yall should get it, its homestuck comic art style and online co-op

theres a MASSIVE minecraft homestuck mod

camyosh on youtube has a discord and has made a table top rpg style homestuck game yall should give him some love for that

and lastly


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Reply by 0x0_killerCrow_0x0


update; correction-mxrp/msparp is gone forever due to server drama and stuff (long story, just google it if youre interested lmao)ย 

however a mxrp2 is being worked on!

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Reply by aradia


lol hi i used to be on msparp in its hayday. it was a complete shit show when it fell apart i can tell you that. pesterchum works well too and im so happy it exists/was revived. hi fellow homestuck!

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Reply by enegydrink


wait cherp is still up????? whatta heck...

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pesterchum isn't really safe fully, they allow kids as young as 13 and there are some freaks on there so be careful if you are underage or if you are above age, some people lie about their ages on their a lot and there's some weird cultlike groups/etc. i know someone working on a google doc on a situation that happened recently, just be wary

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Reply by 0x0_killerCrow_0x0


I haven't used pesterchum in forever-i had no idea crazy shit was going on. tbh even back in the day there was barely ever anyone on there, so I'm surprised it's got that on there. I'd be surprised if it was even still functional :0

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Reply by cosmicsystem


hey im a homestuck!

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