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Posted by nullzer0


Forum: 30+ Retirement home Group

I'll start! I'm an IT tech by trade, particularly focused on Intune/SCCM/MDM in general, and currently unemployed (you wouldn't happen to know of a remote position that could use a decade of experience, would you? I know Intune well enough to manage it without a browser). Pretty avid gamer but not so keen on competitive play. 

Otherwise most of my hobbies still orbit computing, working on plenty of programming projects but too ADHD to finish any of them. Had been working on a P2P encrypted chatting application with no central service, just a STUN request to get details for NAT traversal, was also messing with the idea of a network stack based on that work for indie games, as an alternative to current matchmaking lobbies. Could allow for a persistent but ephemeral session to exist even as members join/drop out until the last member quits, which could be interesting in an open-world exploration game setting. Persistent as in the gameworld persists as long as members keep it going, ephemeral as in the moment they don't it's gone without a trace.

Otherwise also mod for Rust (the game, not the lang) and had been working on a full AI revamp for dynamic AI factions and free-roaming NPCs. If you play, I could use some testers to motivate me to get back into it.

Also a fan of anime, though less than before. Really enjoying Undead Unluck and Dead Mount Death Play right now, praying for more Jujutsu Kaisen.

Bi/Pan (probably pan is more accurate, but their flag is so visually unpleasant to me lmao) queer (gender and otherwise) that can't understand when someone is flirting and can't sit in chairs properly. I'm not beating the stereotypes.

420-friendly though not in a position to partake atm, trying to quit cigarettes, still drink an absurd amount of coffee.

Mostly here to socialize and to bask in the nostalgia of the place.

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Reply by ༺Cami༻


Yes! Finally found another person in my age group! Too bad the last post here was over one year ago 

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