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Reinterpretations of classic pastas

How would you reinterpret/remake a classic creepypasta? what would you change and what would you keep from the original? 

share your thoughts! 

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Reply by Gh4stly_Goth


This Is 4 Janes Story (Sryy If Im not right I haven't heard her story In a long time :P) 

I would Make It so that Jeff had a Friendcrush on her instead of a "Crush". 

I would make it so that after jeff is put In the hospital, Jane feels bad 4 him, and trys to visit himm.

I would make It that Jane gets home late and dosent see her family dead, But when she wakes up In the night, Shes traped In a chair with all her family members boddies straped to the chairs! 

And yeah.. thats rlly It Lol! I hope u have a great day! :3

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Reply by Xx_silas_xX


Ive already done some reinterpretations of my own but to summarize in just a few words id make Jeff's story more about demonic possession (since i think how quickly he goes off the rails and does a 180 is dumb) and i think laughing jack would be very cool with a more in depth backstory related to his creator.

In the og story its said hes made by an angel. Whats facinating about this is the fact that angels in the bible function more like robots, and them turning into demons is like breaking their programming. So i think id do smthn with that

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