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i can't decide...

Posted by Nowuh :3


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

i don't think i want to host my blog on moonview (my website) anymore, but i am
not sure where i should keep it... i feel at home with spacehey, seeing
as i used friendproject from 2017-2019 (roughly) and i was sentient
during the era of myspace so i am generally far more familiar with how
this site works.

but dreamwidth is also an option i am considering. i just know far less about it so it'd take more time to learn.

does anybody know of any simple blogging platforms that ideally allow image uploads? is fc2 any good? i'm just getting tired of writing blogs manually and would rather have the ability to word vomit, post, and forget about it.

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Reply by .✯ Keaton ☆゚


Here is some that I know of...

SpaceHey (you're on it right now!)
Any custom domain like for example, NeoCities

Hope this helped!

- Keaton

P.S. If you need help with uploading imagery, the html for it is:

<img src="Insert URL here">

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Reply by Nowuh :3


i appreciate it, but my website is hosted on neocities. :p

spacehey seems like it would be a good place to host but i really don't like that i have to host any images i want to upload myself. i understand it though and i already have a server because of neocities so it's not that much of an issue, just a minor annoyance.

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